Friday, February 27, 2009

I've Become A Crazy Cat Lady

So I realized last night that Bella is not looking like a kitten anymore. It was quite sad. I thought I could always remedy the situation and get her a friend, but then I figured I still wanted a fiance. Tough decision, haha. Just kidding. Anyways, lately she has been getting more and more adventurous. The other night I was putting stuff in my drawers and she managed to some how get in my drawer and climb behind it. It took me a good 30 minutes to get her out. She has also learned to jump from the floor to my dresser and loves pushing everything off of it. It's a very annoying habit...especially at 6am. Here are a few pictures of her latest escapades. The first demonstrates the importance of checking the dryer while doing laundry. The second shows how she takes after me with her Diet Coke obsession, and finally when she gets tired she has made her own sleeping arrangements. And yes, I've become that crazy person that blogs about their cat. I'm sorry, my life is not that thrilling at the moment, haha.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Mom & Dad Visit Seattle

I had to take my parents to the airport today after they have spent a week with me in Seattle. We had a lot of fun and it was wonderful having them out here. I think they might have been ready to go home after a week on the air mattress. I know from experience it's not comfortable! The weather ended up being beautiful for them as well. They thought I was lying about all the rain we usually get! The first day they were here we explored Pike Place Market in downtown Seattle and then ate at a Pub in the Market. We got in a lot of shopping and found my wedding dress! My Dad was a good sport for that one. I also got to spend Valentine's Day with them. We went to a nice restaurant and then saw a horrible play that I bought us tickets too. I now have a track record of 0 for 2 in purchasing decent play tickets. I think I'm going to give up. We also got to visit Chateau St. Michelle. My Dad knew someone so we got set up with a free wine tasting. It was pretty nice. We were going to visit the brewery across the street, but we decided to eat there instead of drinking more on top of the wine. Probably a good idea. They also were here to ease my nerves when I had to take my kitten to get spayed. It was pretty good timing. Even though they overdosed her on pain meds, Bella loved both my parents. I think she's sad to see them go. In the end, we had a great time and it was nice having home here in Seattle. Here's some pictures from their trip.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


So, Michael has gotten a little busy with work, so Bella and I have had a lot more bonding time. So far, we are managing pretty well. Right now we spend our evenings napping and watching TV, but I plan to join the gym and get my wedding work-out in gear. I figure I might as well start now because it might take me a little while to get motivated. I think 10 months in advance will do it....or not. I've met a wife of one of Michael's guys and she wants to join the gym with me. Hopefully that works out because I might do better with a work out friend (Teresa I really miss your classes!).

My parent's are coming out next week too, so that's exciting! I don't know if Seattle in February is a great vacation spot, but we will have fun. I think my Dad already has a list of the wineries he wants to visit. Chateau Saint Michelle is one of them for all my Riesling lovers out there. My mom wants to go wedding dress shopping while they are here too, so my Dad is really going to need the wine. I got us tickets to a play and we are going to do touristy stuff, so I think it will be a good time.

So, that's all that I have going on. I was told I needed to update my blog, but my life is kind of boring right now, ha. I have found that this is a great time for me to catch up on stuff I want to do. One being more gym time, but my sister and I are also doing our own bible study. We just read passages and talk about it each night (or every other). It's been pretty good so far. That's been one of Michael's goals as well, so it's been great for all of us. I know this period of just Bella and I is going to be a positive one.

Ohh, and I would like to add (thank you Rach for your reminder) that I've gotten in plenty of web cam time with my lovely prego friend Rachel Revilla, my awesome sisters, and my wonderful parents. ;)