Friday, April 17, 2009

Sisters in Seattle

This post is a little over due, but a week ago Lindsay and Erica came out and visited me! Bella and I were so excited. Erica with the help of dramamine survived the flight and Lindsay (with the help of a beer) did as well. I picked them up around 2 on April 5th and they stayed with me until Easter. We had a lot fun exploring Seattle. The weather ended up being gorgeous for the first part of their trip as well. We went to the Pike Place Market in downtown Seattle and also found a wildlife refuge only minutes from my house! Erica and Linds went and walked a 5 mile loop where they encountered a very irate goose. I don't think I will be walking that path on my own. While they were here we also visited the Seattle Zoo. Lindsay was very excited about that. It was a nice zoo, but we felt that the Cincinnati zoo was much better. After the zoo I dragged them to the shop where I got my wedding dress, so they could see it. It was nice having my sister's input....even though the dress is already purchased and there really is no going back, ha.

I was sad to see them go, but I'm soo excited about coming home in June. I know it's just around the corner! Bella got use to having more people around as well. I think she's bored now that it's back to me and her. My sister's thought she was evil at first, but they all bonded by the end of the trip. Everything is going good here though. It's suppose to be nice the next couple of days despite all the rain we have been getting. I'm so ready for some sunshine and warm weather! I miss everyone and can't wait to see you soon. Here are some pictures from Lindsay and Erica's visit.....