Thursday, December 31, 2009

Ringing in a New Year

I can't believe it's going to be 2010 tomorrow. 2009 was a great year filled with a lot of new experiences and challenges. I moved to a new city, learned to be okay on my own, and got engaged and married to the best man I could have ever dreamed of. I'm excited to see what 2010 brings.

Our wedding was November 21st and it was a beautiful day. We could not have asked for better weather. Everything went off perfectly and it was so nice being surrounded by all my friends and family. I also got to meet some new additons like Rachel Revilla's daughter, Sydney. She didn't feel good when she was here, but it was great seeing her. She is adorable! Rachel's mom even made her a matching bridesmaid dress. Here are a few more pictures from the wedding.

Michael's gotten busy with work again, so the beginning of 2010 is going to be a little tough, but we have some exciting things in store. We plan on taking a honeymoon to Hawaii this summer and in October we will be leaving Washington and on to a new adventure. I'm not sure where we will end up next, but I'm hoping it's within driving distance of Kentucky! That's our plan.

I've been bad about blogging, but I just wanted to wish all my family and friends a happy and healthy New Year.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Erica's pregnent! I'm sure everyone knows, but I'm so excited for her! She's due Feb. 24th and I'm convinced it's a girl! Although a nephew would be perfect as well. She finds out next month what the gender is and I know she is anxious to find out. I can't wait to buy little baby clothes!

I'm also excited because the wedding is fast approaching! I'm ready to come home and see everyone. The planning has been going smoothly due to my mother. I think she can be labeled a professional wedding planner at this point! Michael and I are going to be home until the Friday after Thanksgiving, so we can't wait.

On a side note, my kitten Bella is no longer a kitten. She has quickly doubled in size...I'm not sure what's happening to her. It could be that I feed her more than double the recommended amount...the bag says she should only get a 1/3rd cup a day, but that seems so little. I think I need to invest in weight loss food. Below is a picture of her after Michael made us watch hours of football. I felt like doing the same.....

Sunday, August 2, 2009

First Summer in Washington

So, I've been pretty bad about updating my blog recently, so I thought I would do a recap of our summer so far. Here it goes!

June: Was a pretty great month. Michael and I were able to fly home to visit our family and friends. We took a red eye flight to Kentucky which was pretty terrible, but I was so excited to come home that it didn't matter too much to me. While we were home things were pretty crazy, but in a good way. We had a couple's shower hosted by my aunts and it was so much fun. I felt spoiled with all the great gifts that we got! It was nice just to have all of our family and friends in one place! Laura Lewin also hosted a girls shower for me at her parent's house. That one was so much fun too because I got to spend more time with just the girls. My favorite moment from that shower was definitely the toilet paper brides. It was pretty hilarious.

Also when we were home we had our engagement pictures taken by Neysa Ruhl at Devou Park. It was definitely a little awkward at first, but in the end I think they turned out great. I can't wait to see the wedding pictures she gets! During our time home we did a lot of errands for the wedding, but at the end of the week we got to go to Lake Cumberland. It was nice to be able to relax and Michael had never been, so it was fun to share that with him. Our trip home was perfect and I can't wait to come home again soon!!

July: Michael's 27th birthday was July 4th! We celebrated by getting a hotel in Seattle and just going out to dinner and exploring more of Seattle. Our hotel was the Edgewater, which is the only hotel in Seattle actually on the waterfront. We opened our window and we could literally fish from our room. While we were there we explored more of Pike Place Market and took a ferry ride to Bainbridge Island. They had a lot of cute little shops and we just walked around. It turned out to be a good weekend.

Also, in July we had the Ranger Ball. It's always fun to get all dressed up! It was held at the Tacoma Convention Center and it was a nice night. I always think it's neat to experience different aspects of army tradition. And of course, Michael looked very handsome in his dress blues. Sorry, I didn't take any pictures, so you will have to take my word on it, ha. It was also fun seeing some of the different outfits that the women were wearing. There were a shocking number of tiaras worn. I shoudln't have left mine at home, ha.

Finally, July ended with a bang in that we experienced record breaking temperatures! One day it got to 104 which was pretty unbearable in a third floor apartment with NO AIR CONDITION! I no longer think air conditioning is a need it! People were fighting up here for fans and you couldn't find a portable air condition anywhere. It was craziness! Michael and I actually stayed in a hotel a couple of nights. I was worried that Bella was going to die of heat exhaustion! Needless to say, we made it through. I purchased a portable air condition online from Target and of course it's going to get here next week...when it's back in the 70s. You never know though, the heat wave might come back and next time I will be ready!

August: Well, august is starting off pretty good. Michael will be traveling a lot for work, but it will be good because I need to get my wedding work out regime under way, ha. I picked up my dress in June when we got back and it was TIGHT! They said they could let it out if need be, but I told them it wouldn't be necessary. I AM going to fit into that dress!! We will see what happens. I will write again soon!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Exploring Washington with Michael

Now that Michael is not as busy (and I'm much happier), we've gotten some time to explore. Over Memorial Day weekend we went to the Mariner's Game and Mount Rainier. Both were a lot of fun.

We went to the Mariner's Game with Michael's friend from work Kyle and his wife Brittany. We had really good seats and the weather was perfect. We couldn't ask for much more. Before the game, Kyle and Brittany were making a huge deal out of Ken Griffey Jr. playing for their team. Michael and I just laughed and said we went through this when he came to the Reds. It figured that right up to bat he would hit a home run. The rest of the day was spent drinking way over priced beers and eating not so good hot dogs, ha. It was perfect. The Mariners ended up winning and the game went by very fast. Even better.

The next day Michael and went to Mt. Rainier. Although I didn't enjoy the ride (I drove and was still nauseous), the experience was definitely worth it. The views were beautiful in Mt. Rainier National Park. Michael and I went on a hike to a waterfall which was definitely interesting. I didn't anticipate snow drifts when I chose to wear capris. It was in the 70s when we left the house. The view from the top of the falls was pretty amazing though. Michael kept on telling me it would be worth it as I struggled to breath on the way up a very steep and snow covered hill, ha. After the hike we ate at the Mt. Rainier Inn and I encountered a Neuman and Grayson look alike (see the below picture). I think their owners thought I was a psycho because I kept on staring. Overall it was a great day. The weather was actually nice and Michael and I got to do something together for a change.


Friday, April 17, 2009

Sisters in Seattle

This post is a little over due, but a week ago Lindsay and Erica came out and visited me! Bella and I were so excited. Erica with the help of dramamine survived the flight and Lindsay (with the help of a beer) did as well. I picked them up around 2 on April 5th and they stayed with me until Easter. We had a lot fun exploring Seattle. The weather ended up being gorgeous for the first part of their trip as well. We went to the Pike Place Market in downtown Seattle and also found a wildlife refuge only minutes from my house! Erica and Linds went and walked a 5 mile loop where they encountered a very irate goose. I don't think I will be walking that path on my own. While they were here we also visited the Seattle Zoo. Lindsay was very excited about that. It was a nice zoo, but we felt that the Cincinnati zoo was much better. After the zoo I dragged them to the shop where I got my wedding dress, so they could see it. It was nice having my sister's input....even though the dress is already purchased and there really is no going back, ha.

I was sad to see them go, but I'm soo excited about coming home in June. I know it's just around the corner! Bella got use to having more people around as well. I think she's bored now that it's back to me and her. My sister's thought she was evil at first, but they all bonded by the end of the trip. Everything is going good here though. It's suppose to be nice the next couple of days despite all the rain we have been getting. I'm so ready for some sunshine and warm weather! I miss everyone and can't wait to see you soon. Here are some pictures from Lindsay and Erica's visit.....

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Visitors and Spring in Seattle

It's hard to believe it's spring when it's suppose to snow tomorrow, but I'm hopeful the weather will warm up. I hear the weather has been really nice back in Kentucky. If you want to call me and let me know it's 65 sunny please don't, haha. I'm stuck with rain and 40 degree weather. Laura got to experience the fun Seattle weather when she came out to visit last week. It was soo nice having her out here!

While she was here we explored downtown Seattle and got lost in the rain. We started out at Pike Place Market and then decided to wonder around. We wondered into a Nordstrom's Rack store, which I didn't know existed...probably a good thing. Finally we went to find some seafood. Miss Garmin told us the seafood restaurant was only .3 miles away, but trying to find it in the rain proved a little difficult. After help from a nice woman we managed to find it and Laura got her crab legs and I got my crab was worth it. The taxi we took back to the car was also worth it, ha. Great idea Laura!!

We also got to explore two wineries and a brewery. We managed to fit it three wine tastings and felt very sophisticated. We've come a long way from boxed Franzi. I actually caught us saying that we could taste the oak. Who would have thought? We didn't manage to tour the brewery, but we ended up eating there and Laura and I tested out their sampler. It was a fun day. I was very happy that she visited. It was nice to spend time with a friend from home. I'm meeting people out here, but it's just not the same. Thanks for coming out Laura!!

Other than Laura's visit not much is going on. I've been doing some spring cleaning and trying to motivate myself to stick to my work outs. Michael has been a work out machine and I need to get my butt in gear. If he gets homesick he works out while when I miss him I eat. It's just not fair! Haha. I am looking foward to my sisters coming out to visit in two weeks!! This is a big step for Erica because she is terrifed of flying. Well it's a big step for Lindsay too because she will have to deal with Erica. Just kidding Erica! I really can't wait for them to get out here. It will be nice to have the sisters all together for a change. I hope everyone is doing well!! I will be home Jun 14th-25th. We will have to organize a Ladies Who Lunch! Love you!

Friday, February 27, 2009

I've Become A Crazy Cat Lady

So I realized last night that Bella is not looking like a kitten anymore. It was quite sad. I thought I could always remedy the situation and get her a friend, but then I figured I still wanted a fiance. Tough decision, haha. Just kidding. Anyways, lately she has been getting more and more adventurous. The other night I was putting stuff in my drawers and she managed to some how get in my drawer and climb behind it. It took me a good 30 minutes to get her out. She has also learned to jump from the floor to my dresser and loves pushing everything off of it. It's a very annoying habit...especially at 6am. Here are a few pictures of her latest escapades. The first demonstrates the importance of checking the dryer while doing laundry. The second shows how she takes after me with her Diet Coke obsession, and finally when she gets tired she has made her own sleeping arrangements. And yes, I've become that crazy person that blogs about their cat. I'm sorry, my life is not that thrilling at the moment, haha.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Mom & Dad Visit Seattle

I had to take my parents to the airport today after they have spent a week with me in Seattle. We had a lot of fun and it was wonderful having them out here. I think they might have been ready to go home after a week on the air mattress. I know from experience it's not comfortable! The weather ended up being beautiful for them as well. They thought I was lying about all the rain we usually get! The first day they were here we explored Pike Place Market in downtown Seattle and then ate at a Pub in the Market. We got in a lot of shopping and found my wedding dress! My Dad was a good sport for that one. I also got to spend Valentine's Day with them. We went to a nice restaurant and then saw a horrible play that I bought us tickets too. I now have a track record of 0 for 2 in purchasing decent play tickets. I think I'm going to give up. We also got to visit Chateau St. Michelle. My Dad knew someone so we got set up with a free wine tasting. It was pretty nice. We were going to visit the brewery across the street, but we decided to eat there instead of drinking more on top of the wine. Probably a good idea. They also were here to ease my nerves when I had to take my kitten to get spayed. It was pretty good timing. Even though they overdosed her on pain meds, Bella loved both my parents. I think she's sad to see them go. In the end, we had a great time and it was nice having home here in Seattle. Here's some pictures from their trip.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


So, Michael has gotten a little busy with work, so Bella and I have had a lot more bonding time. So far, we are managing pretty well. Right now we spend our evenings napping and watching TV, but I plan to join the gym and get my wedding work-out in gear. I figure I might as well start now because it might take me a little while to get motivated. I think 10 months in advance will do it....or not. I've met a wife of one of Michael's guys and she wants to join the gym with me. Hopefully that works out because I might do better with a work out friend (Teresa I really miss your classes!).

My parent's are coming out next week too, so that's exciting! I don't know if Seattle in February is a great vacation spot, but we will have fun. I think my Dad already has a list of the wineries he wants to visit. Chateau Saint Michelle is one of them for all my Riesling lovers out there. My mom wants to go wedding dress shopping while they are here too, so my Dad is really going to need the wine. I got us tickets to a play and we are going to do touristy stuff, so I think it will be a good time.

So, that's all that I have going on. I was told I needed to update my blog, but my life is kind of boring right now, ha. I have found that this is a great time for me to catch up on stuff I want to do. One being more gym time, but my sister and I are also doing our own bible study. We just read passages and talk about it each night (or every other). It's been pretty good so far. That's been one of Michael's goals as well, so it's been great for all of us. I know this period of just Bella and I is going to be a positive one.

Ohh, and I would like to add (thank you Rach for your reminder) that I've gotten in plenty of web cam time with my lovely prego friend Rachel Revilla, my awesome sisters, and my wonderful parents. ;)

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Meet Bella

So, I did something bad. Michael went out of town and I went to the Lacey Animal Shelter. Bad combination. I ended up with, Bella. Isn't she adorable?! I never had a cat before, but our apartment complex does not allow dogs, so I thought I would give it a try. I already love her. It's nice coming home to her running around and she is definitely entertaining. Michael gets back tomorrow, so he will get to meet our new addition. I think he will like her....or get use to her, ha. She already knows how to use the litter box, so that's a plus. Here are some more pictures.The first one she was being a little bashful.