Tuesday, February 3, 2009


So, Michael has gotten a little busy with work, so Bella and I have had a lot more bonding time. So far, we are managing pretty well. Right now we spend our evenings napping and watching TV, but I plan to join the gym and get my wedding work-out in gear. I figure I might as well start now because it might take me a little while to get motivated. I think 10 months in advance will do it....or not. I've met a wife of one of Michael's guys and she wants to join the gym with me. Hopefully that works out because I might do better with a work out friend (Teresa I really miss your classes!).

My parent's are coming out next week too, so that's exciting! I don't know if Seattle in February is a great vacation spot, but we will have fun. I think my Dad already has a list of the wineries he wants to visit. Chateau Saint Michelle is one of them for all my Riesling lovers out there. My mom wants to go wedding dress shopping while they are here too, so my Dad is really going to need the wine. I got us tickets to a play and we are going to do touristy stuff, so I think it will be a good time.

So, that's all that I have going on. I was told I needed to update my blog, but my life is kind of boring right now, ha. I have found that this is a great time for me to catch up on stuff I want to do. One being more gym time, but my sister and I are also doing our own bible study. We just read passages and talk about it each night (or every other). It's been pretty good so far. That's been one of Michael's goals as well, so it's been great for all of us. I know this period of just Bella and I is going to be a positive one.

Ohh, and I would like to add (thank you Rach for your reminder) that I've gotten in plenty of web cam time with my lovely prego friend Rachel Revilla, my awesome sisters, and my wonderful parents. ;)


The Revillas said...

You neglected to mention that you are now able to video chat with your favorite pregnant chick on the east coast . . . I think that's pretty darn exciting :-P

Also - I expect to see pictures from your wedding dress search with mom :-)

Leanne said...

OMG, like you need to go to the gym.... Nicole (my office buddy) and I have had lots of conversation about how I'm gonna be bringing sexy back in this dress you've picked out so I gotta get rid of my back fat! It's been quite entertaining for us....